Saturday, January 13, 2007


Well, ive made it to lima and its been very interesting.

this is a quick one, but here are some pics.
check out andrews blog to know a bit more of what weve been up to

ill post soon

oh, apparently i dont know how to use my these pics are really dark. i have since figured to out.


BoneSymphony said...

Why do cats like Lima so much?
-Because its in Purrrru

Unknown said...

I'm sure the pictures don't do any justice! It's so pretty.
um, and I loved the cat joke!

EmDubya said...

its a gorgeous city. very fun. but very dangerous...not something to forget. the cops have already attempted to rob me, haha.

purrrrru. marky mark...thats gold.

Rachael said...

You're alive!

Only robbery attempts? I'm impressed!