Thursday, April 05, 2007

Freezing in a car...

After Mendoza we decided to make an attempt at heading down into Patagonia. Once we got there we realized it was pretty much useless to try to go further South and see some of the things we wanted to based on our time constraints (which is a new idea for us).

As an alternative we decided to rent a car and drive for 24 hours into the middle of nowhere, Patagonia. We managed to find it by rockin our VW Gol (without the f) over some of the worst dirt roads I have ever seen.

Somehow we figured sleeping in the car would be a good idea...turns out 3 guys sleeping in a two door compact car in the middle of nowhere, Patagonia results in absolutely no sleep and nearly freezing to death. Long story short I couldnt feel my feet for about 12 hours after starting the car to drive home.

In Buenoes Aires now. Have been here for about 5 days now, its a fantastic and massive city. Turns out we will be here a little longer then planned, seeing how our visa to get into Brazil has caught a few snags...

Here are some pics...the ones that look like Europe are from Bariloche, the least South American city we have been too, though ironically its the most South weve been. The rest are from our little road trip....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that second picture reminds me of that jesus statue in rio...